After 3-4 projects recreating costumes and props I decided to design and build an original costume. I came up with this battle-damaged Cyborg Soldier.

Once again I’d be using fiberglass for the major components.
I found some sort of plastic helmet at a secondhand store and cut it apart to produce portions of my design, augmented by sections that I sculpted from mattboard and clay. I made a mold of that buck (fiberglass?) and laid up the helmet. I augmented the detail with various kit bashed parts and household items including a neat circular detail from an old Aurora Flying Sub model and a strip of corrugated cardboard with one side removed and coated in resin. I cannibalized a flashlight and added it to the helmet wired to a control on my right arm. The little blaster mounted to the side is a pretty blatant ripoff of that used by the Predator.
Armor, gun, details
The torso armor and exposed arm and leg are all molded fiberglass. The damage in the chest has some fiber optic lights embedded within. The arm has a few LEDs. I used mini audio jacks to supply power to these elements. Various bits of junk from a scrapyard added detail. The canisters on the back were cheap liquid containers.
The jumpsuit is a coverall to which I added the yellow striping. I cut up, distressed, and burned parts of it to dramatically reveal the exposed robotic extremities.
I repurposed the pistol belt from my Ghostbusters gear (including the belt gizmo) and tacked on some typewriter cartridges to represent ammunition.
My big gun is a bit of a ripoff of the M56 Smartgun from Aliens. The primary housing is a simple fiberglass box with all sorts of junk tacked on. The two barrels are vacuum cleaner extensions capped by resin-cast blaster nozzles.